Did you unwrap
this week's puzzle? Here are some hints in case you are still struggling with the tape!
Each hint is progressively stronger. Hint 1 is a genre nudge to get you
started. Hint 5 is nuclear and basically spoils the puzzle, so be
careful! You can decode hints
HINT 1: Fbyir nf vs vg jrer n genqvgvbany ahzrevpny fhqbxh.
HINT 2: Lbh ner fbyivat sbe 42 NO.PQR, 071 0J.KLM.
HINT 3: Punatr gur yrggref gb ahzoref, vg'f cebonoyl rnfvre gung jnl.
HINT 4: Yrsg gb evtug, gbc gb obggbz. O=1, B=2, K=3, V=4... rgp.
HINT 5: Bapr lbh'ir fbyirq gur fhqbxh gur ahzoref gung ynaq ba gur obkrf znexrq jvgu pbybeshy N,O, P rgp pna or neenatrq vagb pbbeqf.
Answers tomorrow! (PS: I had the checksum wrong yesterday, it has been corrected.)