Wednesday, November 30, 2016

FCSL31G: Santa's Route HINTS

Have you been naughty or nice? Maybe Santa won't bring you a hint on this week's puzzle, but I will!

Each hint is progressively stronger. Hint 1 is a genre nudge to get you started. Hint 5 is nuclear and basically spoils the puzzle, so be careful! You can decode hints here.

HINT 1: Gubfr TP Pbqrf unir n srj guvatf va pbzzba.

HINT 2: Gur snpg gur pnpurf nyy unir Puevfgznf eryngrq guvatf va gur anzrf vf n erq ureevat.

HINT 3: Rnpu bs gur TP Pbqrf bayl pbagnvaf bar ahzrevpny qvtvg. Gubfr ahzoref pbhyq or pbbeqf...

HINT 4: Ubj qb lbh beqre gur ahzoref? Gur qrfpevcgvba unf gur uvag.

HINT 5: Neenatr gur qvtvgf va beqre sebz Fbhgu gb Abegu.

Answers tomorrow!

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

FCSL31G: Santa's Route

The holidays are looming large on the horizon. This is the first of four special Christmas themed puzzles. Let's see how you do!

Hints tomorrow, and the answer on Thursday! Good luck!

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

FC35MM: Quite A Collection HINTS

Still gnawing on this week's Mystery Monday puzzle? Here are some hints to help!

I will give you five hints, each getting progressively more revealing, but they will be encoded in ROT13, just like the hints on geocaching pages. You can copy and paste the hints here to decode them. HINT 5 will be nuclear level, so only look at it as a last resort!

HINT 1: Gur gvgyr pbagnvaf n uvag.

HINT 2: Qb nyy gubfr zbivrf unir nalguvat va pbzzba?

HINT 3: Jvgu gung znal zbivrf gb pubbfr sebz jung pevgrevba ner lbh hfvat gb znxr lbhe pubvpr?

HINT 4: Nyy bs gur zbivrf ner cneg bs gur Pevgrevba Pbyyrpgvba.

HINT 5: Pevgrevba Pbyyrpgvba zbivrf unir n ahzore ba gur fcvar bs gur pnfr. Gubfr ahzoref jvyy sbez gur pbbeqf.

Answers tomorrow!

Monday, November 21, 2016

FC35MM: Quite A Collection

It's Thanksgiving week here in the states, a time to reflect and consider all the things about your life that you might be thankful for.

Oh, and to stuff your face, and lay around watching parades and ballgames.

How about a puzzle? I'm thankful for those!

And here's a closer look at that image if you need it: 

Hints tomorrow, and the answer on Wednesday! Good luck!

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

FCH0N34: Garden Inhabitants? HINTS

Feeling bewildered by this week's Mystery Monday puzzle ? Here are some hints to help!

I will give you five hints, each getting progressively more revealing, but they will be encoded in ROT13, just like the hints on geocaching pages. You can copy and paste the hints here to decode them. HINT 5 will be nuclear level, so only look at it as a last resort!

HINT 1: Jung ner gur guvatf gur PB pbagebyf va n pnpur yvfgvat?

HINT 2: Gurer vf n fgebat fhttrfgvba bs ubj gb cebprrq va gur qrfpevcgvba.

HINT 3: Gur qrfpevcgvba fnlf vg zvtug or n tbbq cynpr gb ivfvg... Fb unir lbh ivfvgrq? N fgerrg ivrj ivfvg, gung vf.

HINT 4: ryy, gung'f n ovt obbx... vf gurer nal jnl gur obbx pbhyq uryc jvgu gur pvcure?

HINT 5: Gur pvcure vf n obbx pvcure, be Bggraqbes pvcure, hfvat gur grkg sebz gur obbx va gur fphycgher.

Answers tomorrow!

Monday, November 14, 2016

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

FCGR00M: My Cache-a-versary HINTS

Unable to celebrate this week's Mystery Monday puzzle ? Here are some hints to help!

There will be five hints that get progressively more revealing. Hint five is nuclear level, basically giving away the puzzle so be careful how you use it!

HINT 1: Naavirefnevrf ner gur xrl. 

HINT 2: Svefg rdhnyf bar, frpbaq rdhnyf gjb, rgp. 

HINT 3: Tbyq rdhnyf svsgl.

HINT 4: Jung vf gur genqvgvbany tvsg sbe n jrqqvat naavirefnel? 

HINT 5: Rnpu jrqqvat naavirefnel unf n genqvgvbany tvsg nffbpvngrq jvgu vg. Qbhoyr purpx gur yvfg, gurer vf fbzr inevngvba orgjrra gur HF naq Oevgvfu yvfgf. 

Answers tomorrow! 

Monday, November 7, 2016

FCGR00M: My Cache-a-versary

After two weeks of vacation in another hemisphere, a week of being buried under a work project and a week of flu... I'm finally ready to present you guys with a new puzzle!

While in New Zealand at the New Zealand Geocaching Adventures Mega-event I made two presentations on puzzle solving techniques, which concluded with real world puzzles that had been hidden in the area. This puzzle is based on one of those puzzles.

Hints tomorrow, and the answer on Wednesday! Good luck!