Monday, September 19, 2016

FCRU5K1: It's Turtles All The Way Down

Are you ready for this week's Mystery Monday Puzzle? Here it is!

Here's a better look at that code if you need it: IyQjKCMjI14jJSMoIyMjISMhIyYjQCMjIyUjXiMm

Hints tomorrow, and the answer on Wednesday! Good luck!


  1. Nice to put the comp sci degree to (good?) use. Pretty confident in my answer but didn't see a good way to view the GZ...

    1. Best way is to through the photos in Google Earth. When you go to the location there should be little blue "photo" icons all over the area once you zoom in close enough. If you don't see them turn on the Photos tab in Layers.

  2. Best way is to through the photos in Google Earth. When you go to the location there should be little blue "photo" icons all over the area once you zoom in close enough. If you don't see them turn on the Photos tab in Layers.


REMEMBER: No spoilers!