There's wrapping paper everywhere! Is the answer to this week's puzzle on one of the scraps? Check it out after the break!
Thursday, December 29, 2016
Tuesday, December 27, 2016
FC5N0W5: Boxing-Doku HINTS
Did you unwrap this week's puzzle? Here are some hints in case you are still struggling with the tape!
Each hint is progressively stronger. Hint 1 is a genre nudge to get you started. Hint 5 is nuclear and basically spoils the puzzle, so be careful! You can decode hints here.
HINT 1: Fbyir nf vs vg jrer n genqvgvbany ahzrevpny fhqbxh.
HINT 2: Lbh ner fbyivat sbe 42 NO.PQR, 071 0J.KLM.
HINT 3: Punatr gur yrggref gb ahzoref, vg'f cebonoyl rnfvre gung jnl.
HINT 4: Yrsg gb evtug, gbc gb obggbz. O=1, B=2, K=3, V=4... rgp.
HINT 5: Bapr lbh'ir fbyirq gur fhqbxh gur ahzoref gung ynaq ba gur obkrf znexrq jvgu pbybeshy N,O, P rgp pna or neenatrq vagb pbbeqf.
Answers tomorrow! (PS: I had the checksum wrong yesterday, it has been corrected.)
Each hint is progressively stronger. Hint 1 is a genre nudge to get you started. Hint 5 is nuclear and basically spoils the puzzle, so be careful! You can decode hints here.
HINT 1: Fbyir nf vs vg jrer n genqvgvbany ahzrevpny fhqbxh.
HINT 2: Lbh ner fbyivat sbe 42 NO.PQR, 071 0J.KLM.
HINT 3: Punatr gur yrggref gb ahzoref, vg'f cebonoyl rnfvre gung jnl.
HINT 4: Yrsg gb evtug, gbc gb obggbz. O=1, B=2, K=3, V=4... rgp.
HINT 5: Bapr lbh'ir fbyirq gur fhqbxh gur ahzoref gung ynaq ba gur obkrf znexrq jvgu pbybeshy N,O, P rgp pna or neenatrq vagb pbbeqf.
Answers tomorrow! (PS: I had the checksum wrong yesterday, it has been corrected.)
Monday, December 26, 2016
FC5N0W5: Boxing-Doku
Christmas has come and gone, but there will always be geo-puzzles to solve. Here's one for this week. I hope you all had an amazing holiday season!
Here's a closer look at that Sudoku if you need it.
Hints tomorrow, and the answer on Wednesday! Good luck!
Wednesday, December 14, 2016
Tuesday, December 13, 2016
FCH0LL4: Wreath Wriot HINTS
Feeling like this week's puzzle was a lump of coal? Check the stocking again!
Each hint is progressively stronger. Hint 1 is a genre nudge to get you started. Hint 5 is nuclear and basically spoils the puzzle, so be careful! You can decode hints here.
HINT 1: Bar jerngu ercerfragf Abegu, bar Jrfg.
HINT 2: Pbaarpg gur "qbgf?"
HINT 3: Uvtuyvtugf ba gur beanzragf jvyy tvir lbh naq beqre.
HINT 4: Gur envaobj vf n thvqr gb beqrevat gur qvtvgf.
HINT 5: Pbaarpg gur qbgf sbyybjvat gur ahzore bs uvtuyvtugf va rnpu beanzrag gb trg qvtvgf. EBLTOVI beqre bs beanzrag pbybe jvyy tvir lbh qvtvg beqre.
Answers tomorrow! Good luck!
Each hint is progressively stronger. Hint 1 is a genre nudge to get you started. Hint 5 is nuclear and basically spoils the puzzle, so be careful! You can decode hints here.
HINT 1: Bar jerngu ercerfragf Abegu, bar Jrfg.
HINT 2: Pbaarpg gur "qbgf?"
HINT 3: Uvtuyvtugf ba gur beanzragf jvyy tvir lbh naq beqre.
HINT 4: Gur envaobj vf n thvqr gb beqrevat gur qvtvgf.
HINT 5: Pbaarpg gur qbgf sbyybjvat gur ahzore bs uvtuyvtugf va rnpu beanzrag gb trg qvtvgf. EBLTOVI beqre bs beanzrag pbybe jvyy tvir lbh qvtvg beqre.
Answers tomorrow! Good luck!
Monday, December 12, 2016
FCH0LL4: Wreath Wriot
Continuing my series of special holiday puzzles, I present this week's Mystery Monday!
Hints tomorrow, and the answer on Wednesday! Good luck!
Wednesday, December 7, 2016
FCSL31G: Santa's Route ANSWERS
I'm a little late on the answer to this week's puzzle, I'll admit. Someday I'll get ahead of schedule again so that my work perturbations don't slow down the blog, but for now... let' discuss Santa's Route!
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
FCSL31G: Santa's Route HINTS
Have you been naughty or nice? Maybe Santa won't bring you a hint on this week's puzzle, but I will!
Each hint is progressively stronger. Hint 1 is a genre nudge to get you started. Hint 5 is nuclear and basically spoils the puzzle, so be careful! You can decode hints here.
HINT 1: Gubfr TP Pbqrf unir n srj guvatf va pbzzba.
HINT 2: Gur snpg gur pnpurf nyy unir Puevfgznf eryngrq guvatf va gur anzrf vf n erq ureevat.
HINT 3: Rnpu bs gur TP Pbqrf bayl pbagnvaf bar ahzrevpny qvtvg. Gubfr ahzoref pbhyq or pbbeqf...
HINT 4: Ubj qb lbh beqre gur ahzoref? Gur qrfpevcgvba unf gur uvag.
HINT 5: Neenatr gur qvtvgf va beqre sebz Fbhgu gb Abegu.
Answers tomorrow!
Each hint is progressively stronger. Hint 1 is a genre nudge to get you started. Hint 5 is nuclear and basically spoils the puzzle, so be careful! You can decode hints here.
HINT 1: Gubfr TP Pbqrf unir n srj guvatf va pbzzba.
HINT 2: Gur snpg gur pnpurf nyy unir Puevfgznf eryngrq guvatf va gur anzrf vf n erq ureevat.
HINT 3: Rnpu bs gur TP Pbqrf bayl pbagnvaf bar ahzrevpny qvtvg. Gubfr ahzoref pbhyq or pbbeqf...
HINT 4: Ubj qb lbh beqre gur ahzoref? Gur qrfpevcgvba unf gur uvag.
HINT 5: Neenatr gur qvtvgf va beqre sebz Fbhgu gb Abegu.
Answers tomorrow!
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
FCSL31G: Santa's Route
The holidays are looming large on the horizon. This is the first of four special Christmas themed puzzles. Let's see how you do!
Hints tomorrow, and the answer on Thursday! Good luck!
Saturday, November 26, 2016
FC35MM: Quite A Collection ANSWER
You had a little extra time on this week's Mystery Monday puzzle thanks to the holiday. How did you do?
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
FC35MM: Quite A Collection HINTS
Still gnawing on this week's Mystery Monday puzzle? Here are some hints to help!
I will give you five hints, each getting progressively more revealing, but they will be encoded in ROT13, just like the hints on geocaching pages. You can copy and paste the hints here to decode them. HINT 5 will be nuclear level, so only look at it as a last resort!
HINT 1: Gur gvgyr pbagnvaf n uvag.
HINT 2: Qb nyy gubfr zbivrf unir nalguvat va pbzzba?
HINT 3: Jvgu gung znal zbivrf gb pubbfr sebz jung pevgrevba ner lbh hfvat gb znxr lbhe pubvpr?
HINT 4: Nyy bs gur zbivrf ner cneg bs gur Pevgrevba Pbyyrpgvba.
HINT 5: Pevgrevba Pbyyrpgvba zbivrf unir n ahzore ba gur fcvar bs gur pnfr. Gubfr ahzoref jvyy sbez gur pbbeqf.
Answers tomorrow!
I will give you five hints, each getting progressively more revealing, but they will be encoded in ROT13, just like the hints on geocaching pages. You can copy and paste the hints here to decode them. HINT 5 will be nuclear level, so only look at it as a last resort!
HINT 1: Gur gvgyr pbagnvaf n uvag.
HINT 2: Qb nyy gubfr zbivrf unir nalguvat va pbzzba?
HINT 3: Jvgu gung znal zbivrf gb pubbfr sebz jung pevgrevba ner lbh hfvat gb znxr lbhe pubvpr?
HINT 4: Nyy bs gur zbivrf ner cneg bs gur Pevgrevba Pbyyrpgvba.
HINT 5: Pevgrevba Pbyyrpgvba zbivrf unir n ahzore ba gur fcvar bs gur pnfr. Gubfr ahzoref jvyy sbez gur pbbeqf.
Answers tomorrow!
Monday, November 21, 2016
FC35MM: Quite A Collection
It's Thanksgiving week here in the states, a time to reflect and consider all the things about your life that you might be thankful for.
Oh, and to stuff your face, and lay around watching parades and ballgames.
How about a puzzle? I'm thankful for those!
Oh, and to stuff your face, and lay around watching parades and ballgames.
How about a puzzle? I'm thankful for those!
And here's a closer look at that image if you need it:
Hints tomorrow, and the answer on Wednesday! Good luck!
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
FCH0N34: Garden Inhabitants? ANSWER
Was this week's Mystery Monday puzzle a garden of delight? or did you find yourself feeling stung? Answers after the jump!
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
FCH0N34: Garden Inhabitants? HINTS
Feeling bewildered by this week's Mystery Monday puzzle ? Here are some hints to help!
I will give you five hints, each getting progressively more revealing, but they will be encoded in ROT13, just like the hints on geocaching pages. You can copy and paste the hints here to decode them. HINT 5 will be nuclear level, so only look at it as a last resort!
HINT 1: Jung ner gur guvatf gur PB pbagebyf va n pnpur yvfgvat?
HINT 2: Gurer vf n fgebat fhttrfgvba bs ubj gb cebprrq va gur qrfpevcgvba.
HINT 3: Gur qrfpevcgvba fnlf vg zvtug or n tbbq cynpr gb ivfvg... Fb unir lbh ivfvgrq? N fgerrg ivrj ivfvg, gung vf.
HINT 4: ryy, gung'f n ovt obbx... vf gurer nal jnl gur obbx pbhyq uryc jvgu gur pvcure?
HINT 5: Gur pvcure vf n obbx pvcure, be Bggraqbes pvcure, hfvat gur grkg sebz gur obbx va gur fphycgher.
Answers tomorrow!
I will give you five hints, each getting progressively more revealing, but they will be encoded in ROT13, just like the hints on geocaching pages. You can copy and paste the hints here to decode them. HINT 5 will be nuclear level, so only look at it as a last resort!
HINT 1: Jung ner gur guvatf gur PB pbagebyf va n pnpur yvfgvat?
HINT 2: Gurer vf n fgebat fhttrfgvba bs ubj gb cebprrq va gur qrfpevcgvba.
HINT 3: Gur qrfpevcgvba fnlf vg zvtug or n tbbq cynpr gb ivfvg... Fb unir lbh ivfvgrq? N fgerrg ivrj ivfvg, gung vf.
HINT 4: ryy, gung'f n ovt obbx... vf gurer nal jnl gur obbx pbhyq uryc jvgu gur pvcure?
HINT 5: Gur pvcure vf n obbx pvcure, be Bggraqbes pvcure, hfvat gur grkg sebz gur obbx va gur fphycgher.
Answers tomorrow!
Monday, November 14, 2016
FCH0N34: Garden Inhabitants?
New week, new puzzle! Are you ready?
Hints tomorrow, and the answer on Wednesday! Good luck!
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
FCGR00M: My Cache-a-versary ANSWER
Was this week's Mystery Monday puzzle a celebration? Or just another date on the calendar?
The answer is after the break!
The answer is after the break!
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
FCGR00M: My Cache-a-versary HINTS
Unable to celebrate this week's Mystery Monday puzzle ? Here are some hints to help!
There will be five hints that get progressively more revealing. Hint five is nuclear level, basically giving away the puzzle so be careful how you use it!
There will be five hints that get progressively more revealing. Hint five is nuclear level, basically giving away the puzzle so be careful how you use it!
HINT 1: Naavirefnevrf ner gur xrl.
HINT 2: Svefg rdhnyf bar, frpbaq rdhnyf gjb, rgp.
HINT 3: Tbyq rdhnyf svsgl.
HINT 4: Jung vf gur genqvgvbany tvsg sbe n jrqqvat naavirefnel?
HINT 5: Rnpu jrqqvat naavirefnel unf n genqvgvbany tvsg nffbpvngrq jvgu vg. Qbhoyr purpx gur yvfg, gurer vf fbzr inevngvba orgjrra gur HF naq Oevgvfu yvfgf.
Answers tomorrow!
Monday, November 7, 2016
FCGR00M: My Cache-a-versary
After two weeks of vacation in another hemisphere, a week of being buried under a work project and a week of flu... I'm finally ready to present you guys with a new puzzle!
While in New Zealand at the New Zealand Geocaching Adventures Mega-event I made two presentations on puzzle solving techniques, which concluded with real world puzzles that had been hidden in the area. This puzzle is based on one of those puzzles.
While in New Zealand at the New Zealand Geocaching Adventures Mega-event I made two presentations on puzzle solving techniques, which concluded with real world puzzles that had been hidden in the area. This puzzle is based on one of those puzzles.
Hints tomorrow, and the answer on Wednesday! Good luck!
Thursday, October 6, 2016
Did you manage to pull up your socks and get the answer to this week's Mystery Monday puzzle ?Answers after the break!
Wednesday, October 5, 2016
Is this week's Mystery Monday puzzle making you want to say something other than "darn?" Here are some hints to help!
There will be five hints that get progressively more revealing. Hint five is nuclear level, basically giving away the puzzle so be careful how you use it!
HINT 1: Lbh zvtug arrq fbzr fpvffbef.
HINT 2: Gurer ner fb znal ubyrf va gubfr fbpxf lbh pbhyq nyzbfg frr guebhtu gurz.
HINT 3: Guvf fglyr bs chmmyr vf pnyyrq n "Pneqna Tevyyr."
HINT 4: Yvar hc gur neebjf naq bgure funcrf ba gur fbpxf jvgu gur barf va gur ahzore fdhner. Bar fbpx ng n gvzr.
HINT 5: Gur ahzoref gung fubj guebhtu gur ubyrf ner gur pbbeqf. Gurl ner beqrerq onfrq ba gur ahzore bs fgevcrf ba gur fbpxf naq ernq ebhtuyl yrsg gb evtug.
Answers tomorrow!
There will be five hints that get progressively more revealing. Hint five is nuclear level, basically giving away the puzzle so be careful how you use it!
HINT 1: Lbh zvtug arrq fbzr fpvffbef.
HINT 2: Gurer ner fb znal ubyrf va gubfr fbpxf lbh pbhyq nyzbfg frr guebhtu gurz.
HINT 3: Guvf fglyr bs chmmyr vf pnyyrq n "Pneqna Tevyyr."
HINT 4: Yvar hc gur neebjf naq bgure funcrf ba gur fbpxf jvgu gur barf va gur ahzore fdhner. Bar fbpx ng n gvzr.
HINT 5: Gur ahzoref gung fubj guebhtu gur ubyrf ner gur pbbeqf. Gurl ner beqrerq onfrq ba gur ahzore bs fgevcrf ba gur fbpxf naq ernq ebhtuyl yrsg gb evtug.
Answers tomorrow!
Tuesday, October 4, 2016
FCARGYL Darn Socks!
A little late, but a puzzle arrived this week anyway!
Here's a closer look at that puzzle image if you need it!
Hints tomorrow, and the answer on Thursday! Good luck!
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
FCBR1DG: Animal Idioms ANSWER
Did this week's Mystery Monday puzzle send you screaming into the night? Let's break down the answer!
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
FCBR1DG: Animal Idioms HINTS
Did this week's Mystery Monday puzzle drive you batty? Here are some hints to help!
There will be five hints that get progressively more revealing. Hint five is nuclear level, basically giving away the puzzle so be careful how you use it!
HINT 1: Gurer fher ner n ybg bs ongf va guvf vzntr, uhu?
HINT 2: Ner gurer nal navzny vqvbzf nobhg ongf?
HINT 3: Gur bar lbh jnag vf "Oyvaq nf n ong."
HINT 4: Jung glcr bs chmmyr be pbqr zvtug eribyir nebhaq orvat oyvaq?
HINT 5: Gur ongf ercerfrag qbgf va Oenvyyr. Nal bgure navzny vf na rzcgl fcnpr.
Answers tomorrow!
There will be five hints that get progressively more revealing. Hint five is nuclear level, basically giving away the puzzle so be careful how you use it!
HINT 1: Gurer fher ner n ybg bs ongf va guvf vzntr, uhu?
HINT 2: Ner gurer nal navzny vqvbzf nobhg ongf?
HINT 3: Gur bar lbh jnag vf "Oyvaq nf n ong."
HINT 4: Jung glcr bs chmmyr be pbqr zvtug eribyir nebhaq orvat oyvaq?
HINT 5: Gur ongf ercerfrag qbgf va Oenvyyr. Nal bgure navzny vf na rzcgl fcnpr.
Answers tomorrow!
Monday, September 26, 2016
FCBR1DG: Animal Idioms
Guys... summer is over. I turned on the heat for the first time, and broke out a heavier quilt. I'm so jealous of our southern hemisphere compatriots who are just beginning to enjoy spring! Let's console ourselves with a puzzle!
Here's a closer look at that image if you are in need:
Here's a closer look at that image if you are in need:
Hints tomorrow, and the answer on Wednesday! Good luck!
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
FCRU%K1: It's Turtles All The Way Down ANSWER
Despite an error in the puzzle I got a lot of solved logs on this week's Mystery Monday puzzle. If you weren't one of them the answer is after the break!
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
GCRU5K1: It's Turtles All The Way Down HINTS
Has this week's Mystery Monday puzzle made you want to cuddle into a warm blanket and hide? Here are some hints to help!
HINT 1: Gur chmmyr vf n arfgrq pvcure, rnpu qrpbqvat jvyy oevat n fgvyy rapbqrq erfhyg. Gurer ner sbhe fgrcf.
HINT 2: Rnpu fgrc vf dhnfv-pbzchgre eryngrq.
HINT 3: Gur svefg qrpbqr vf Onfr 64.
HINT 4: Gur frpbaq qrpbqr vf zngpuvat gur flzoby gb gur ahzore hfrq gb glcr vg sebz lbhe xrlobneq.
HINT 5: Gur svany fgrc vf Urk gb NFPVV.
Good luck. Answers tomorrow!
HINT 1: Gur chmmyr vf n arfgrq pvcure, rnpu qrpbqvat jvyy oevat n fgvyy rapbqrq erfhyg. Gurer ner sbhe fgrcf.
HINT 2: Rnpu fgrc vf dhnfv-pbzchgre eryngrq.
HINT 3: Gur svefg qrpbqr vf Onfr 64.
HINT 4: Gur frpbaq qrpbqr vf zngpuvat gur flzoby gb gur ahzore hfrq gb glcr vg sebz lbhe xrlobneq.
HINT 5: Gur svany fgrc vf Urk gb NFPVV.
Good luck. Answers tomorrow!
Monday, September 19, 2016
FCRU5K1: It's Turtles All The Way Down
Are you ready for this week's Mystery Monday Puzzle? Here it is!
Here's a better look at that code if you need it: IyQjKCMjI14jJSMoIyMjISMhIyYjQCMjIyUjXiMm
Hints tomorrow, and the answer on Wednesday! Good luck!
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
FCH00FS: The Hard Way HINTS
Feeling mauled by this week's Mystery Monday puzzle? Here are some hints to help you tame them!
I will give you five hints, each getting progressively more revealing, but they will be encoded in ROT13, just like the hints on geocaching pages. You can copy and paste the hints here to decode them. HINT 5 will be nuclear level, so only look at it as a last resort!
HINT 1: Ng gur onfr vg vf n irel pbzzba chmmyr glcr, bar lbh'q frr va n arjfcncre.
HINT 2: Gur navznyf ercerfrag yrggref.
HINT 3: Sbe abj, vg qbrfa'g znggre juvpu yrggref nf ybat nf lbh ner pbafvfgrag.
HINT 4: Nffvta rnpu navzny n yrggre, sbe vafgnapr nyy fanxrf ner na "N," nyy uvccbf ner n "O," rgp. Vs lbh unir gjb qvssrerag vzntrf bs gur fnzr navzny gurl trg nffvtarq qvssrerag yrggref.
HINT 5: Bapr lbh unir yrggref, fvzcyl fbyir nf lbh jbhyq n pelcgbtenz. Gur svefg jbeq vf "Abegu."
Answers tomorrow!
I will give you five hints, each getting progressively more revealing, but they will be encoded in ROT13, just like the hints on geocaching pages. You can copy and paste the hints here to decode them. HINT 5 will be nuclear level, so only look at it as a last resort!
HINT 1: Ng gur onfr vg vf n irel pbzzba chmmyr glcr, bar lbh'q frr va n arjfcncre.
HINT 2: Gur navznyf ercerfrag yrggref.
HINT 3: Sbe abj, vg qbrfa'g znggre juvpu yrggref nf ybat nf lbh ner pbafvfgrag.
HINT 4: Nffvta rnpu navzny n yrggre, sbe vafgnapr nyy fanxrf ner na "N," nyy uvccbf ner n "O," rgp. Vs lbh unir gjb qvssrerag vzntrf bs gur fnzr navzny gurl trg nffvtarq qvssrerag yrggref.
HINT 5: Bapr lbh unir yrggref, fvzcyl fbyir nf lbh jbhyq n pelcgbtenz. Gur svefg jbeq vf "Abegu."
Answers tomorrow!
Monday, September 12, 2016
FCH00FS: The Hard Way
The soft glow on the horizon is the dawning of another Mystery Monday puzzle!
Hints tomorrow, and the answer on Wednesday! Good luck!
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
FCK1P3R; Mr. Elford's Flags HINTS
Feeling at sea with this week's Mystery Monday puzzle? Here are some hints to keep you afloat!
I will give you five hints, each getting progressively more revealing, but they will be encoded in ROT13, just like the hints on geocaching pages. You can copy and paste the hints here to decode them. HINT 5 will be nuclear level, so only look at it as a last resort!
HINT 1: Gur vzntr pbhyq or oebxra vagb gra fdhnerf, svir ol gjb.
HINT 2: Guvf chmmyr unf gb qb jvgu na nagvdhr fnvyvat pbzzhavpngvba zrgubq.
HINT 3: Gurer vf n zbqrea ohg qvssrerag inevngvba ba guvf pbzzhavpngvba zrgubq, vg vaibyirf syntf.
HINT 4: Guvf pbzzhavpngvba zrgubq vf perqvgrq gb n zna anzrq "Rysbeq."
HINT 5: Tbbtyr "Rysbeq'f Gryrtencuvp Syntf."
Good luck! Answers tomorrow!
I will give you five hints, each getting progressively more revealing, but they will be encoded in ROT13, just like the hints on geocaching pages. You can copy and paste the hints here to decode them. HINT 5 will be nuclear level, so only look at it as a last resort!
HINT 1: Gur vzntr pbhyq or oebxra vagb gra fdhnerf, svir ol gjb.
HINT 2: Guvf chmmyr unf gb qb jvgu na nagvdhr fnvyvat pbzzhavpngvba zrgubq.
HINT 3: Gurer vf n zbqrea ohg qvssrerag inevngvba ba guvf pbzzhavpngvba zrgubq, vg vaibyirf syntf.
HINT 4: Guvf pbzzhavpngvba zrgubq vf perqvgrq gb n zna anzrq "Rysbeq."
HINT 5: Tbbtyr "Rysbeq'f Gryrtencuvp Syntf."
Good luck! Answers tomorrow!
Monday, September 5, 2016
FCK1P3R: Mr. Elford's Flags
Sometimes puzzles come from things I've read, sometimes the location comes first... for this puzzle: it came from a daydream. Hope it gives you good puzzling dreams!
If you want a closer look at that image, here it is:
Hints tomorrow, and the answer on Wednesday! Good luck!
Wednesday, August 31, 2016
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Are you in need of someone to rescue you from this week's Mystery Monday puzzle? Hints are on the way!
I will give you five hints, each getting progressively more revealing, but they will be encoded in ROT13, just like the hints on geocaching pages. You can copy and paste the hints here to decode them. HINT 5 will be nuclear level, so only look at it as a last resort!
HINT 1: Gung zna unf na vagrerfgvat jnl bs gnyxvat, uhu?
HINT 2: Ybbx sbe n ercrngrq gurzr va jung ur'f fnlvat.
HINT 3: Gur vasbezngvba lbh arrq vf tenzzngvpnyyl frg ncneg.
HINT 4: Gur vasbezngvba orgjrra gur ncbfgebcurf vf jung lbh arrq. Gurl ner gvgyrf. Ner gurer ahzoref nffbpvngrq jvgu gurz?
HINT 5: Rnpu cuenfr yvxr 'Gur Ehoovfu Ebooref' vf gur gvgyr bs n Fhcrezna fgbel, gur vffhr ahzore bs gur pbzvp gung gur fgbel nccrnerq va vf gur vasb lbh arrq. Tbbtyr gur gvgyrf jvgu dhbgrf gb trg rknpg ergheaf.
Good luck! Answers tomorrow.
I will give you five hints, each getting progressively more revealing, but they will be encoded in ROT13, just like the hints on geocaching pages. You can copy and paste the hints here to decode them. HINT 5 will be nuclear level, so only look at it as a last resort!
HINT 1: Gung zna unf na vagrerfgvat jnl bs gnyxvat, uhu?
HINT 2: Ybbx sbe n ercrngrq gurzr va jung ur'f fnlvat.
HINT 3: Gur vasbezngvba lbh arrq vf tenzzngvpnyyl frg ncneg.
HINT 4: Gur vasbezngvba orgjrra gur ncbfgebcurf vf jung lbh arrq. Gurl ner gvgyrf. Ner gurer ahzoref nffbpvngrq jvgu gurz?
HINT 5: Rnpu cuenfr yvxr 'Gur Ehoovfu Ebooref' vf gur gvgyr bs n Fhcrezna fgbel, gur vffhr ahzore bs gur pbzvp gung gur fgbel nccrnerq va vf gur vasb lbh arrq. Tbbtyr gur gvgyrf jvgu dhbgrf gb trg rknpg ergheaf.
Good luck! Answers tomorrow.
Monday, August 29, 2016
FCLLVLL: The Last Son
Summer is winding down here on the Northern Hemisphere, I am starting to see a few touches of red on the trees outside my office. Makes me want to snuggle into some blankets, and do a puzzle, how about you?
Hints tomorrow, and the answer on Wednesday! Good luck!
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
FCUL7R4: Neither Rain, Nor Sleet HINTS
Mystery Monday has stomped into town like a monster! Have you been able to defeat it yet? Here are some hints to help!
I will give you five hints, each getting progressively more revealing, but they will be encoded in ROT13, just like the hints on geocaching pages. You can copy and paste the hints here to decode them. HINT 5 will be nuclear level, so only look at it as a last resort!
HINT 1: Gur gvgyr vf n fhogyr uvag.
HINT 2: Gurer'f n ernfba gur Nzrevpna Cbfg Bssvpr vf fcrpvsvrq.
HINT 3: Gubfr qba'g ernyyl ybbx yvxr ohvyqvatf fb zhpu, qb gurl?
HINT 4: Qbrf gur HFCF hfr nalguvat gung ybbxf yvxr gung?
HINT 5: Erfrnepu Cbfgny One Pbqrf. Gur cneg orgjrra gur ohvyqvatf vf n one pbqr gung pna rvgure or ernq ol unaq, be ol fbzr jrofvgrf.
Answers tomorrow!
I will give you five hints, each getting progressively more revealing, but they will be encoded in ROT13, just like the hints on geocaching pages. You can copy and paste the hints here to decode them. HINT 5 will be nuclear level, so only look at it as a last resort!
HINT 1: Gur gvgyr vf n fhogyr uvag.
HINT 2: Gurer'f n ernfba gur Nzrevpna Cbfg Bssvpr vf fcrpvsvrq.
HINT 3: Gubfr qba'g ernyyl ybbx yvxr ohvyqvatf fb zhpu, qb gurl?
HINT 4: Qbrf gur HFCF hfr nalguvat gung ybbxf yvxr gung?
HINT 5: Erfrnepu Cbfgny One Pbqrf. Gur cneg orgjrra gur ohvyqvatf vf n one pbqr gung pna rvgure or ernq ol unaq, be ol fbzr jrofvgrf.
Answers tomorrow!
Monday, August 22, 2016
FCUL7R4: Neither Rain, Nor Sleet
Monday has dawned... it's time for a puzzle! Let's go!
Hints tomorrow, and the answer on Wednesday! Good luck!
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
FCDZRT5: Speaking With Forked Tongue ANSWER
Did the winds of this week's Mystery Monday puzzle blow in your direction? the answer is after the break!
Tuesday, August 16, 2016
FCDZRT5 Speaking With Forked Tongue HINTS
Is this week's Mystery Monday puzzle double the fun? Or double-y frustrating? Here are some hints!
I will give you five hints, each getting progressively more revealing, but they will be encoded in ROT13, just like the hints on geocaching pages. You can copy and paste the hints here to decode them. HINT 5 will be nuclear level, so only look at it as a last resort!
I will give you five hints, each getting progressively more revealing, but they will be encoded in ROT13, just like the hints on geocaching pages. You can copy and paste the hints here to decode them. HINT 5 will be nuclear level, so only look at it as a last resort!
HINT 1: Lbh pna erpbtavmr gur svefg pbqr ol rlr, evtug?
HINT 2: Gur jbeq "qbhoyr" sebz gur qrfpevcgvba vf n uvag gung guvf vf qbhoyr rapbqrq.
HINT 3: Gur gvgyr vf na boyvdhr uvag gb gur frpbaq pbqr.
HINT 4: Gel tbbtyvat fbzr bs gur jbeqf va gur pbqr gb frr vs lbh pna svaq n zngpu sbe vg.
Hint 5: Gur frpbaq pbqr vf "Aninwb Pbqr," hfrq va Jbeyq Jne 2.
Answers tomorrow!
Monday, August 15, 2016
FCDZRT5: Speaking With Forked Tongue
Aaaaand, WE'RE BACK! Thanks for your patience last week, and I apologize for the lack of a new puzzle. As I said, I moved house, and it took a bit more than anticipated to get myself re-established at the new location. So, without further delay... a new puzzle!
If you want a closer look at that code:
- ... .- . -.. --- -. .. -. . . / - .-.. --- -.-. .... .. -. / --. .-
.... / - .... .- -. --.. .. . / - ... .- .... .- ... --.. .. .... / .-
.... -. .- .... / -.-- . .... .... . ... / .--- . .... .- / -.-. .... .-
/ -.. .- .... / -.- .-.. . ... .... / .- .... .--- .- .... / .- -.- .
.... -.. .. --. .-.. .. -. .. / .- .... -. .- .... / .- -.-. .... .. -. /
.- .... -. .- .... / - -.- .. -. / -.- .-.. .. --.. --.. .. . / - ... .
--. .- .... / -.. .- .... / -.. .- .... / --. .-.. --- . .. .... / -. .
.- .... ... .--- .- .... / .- -.-. .... .. -. / .- -.-. .... .. / - ...
.- .... / .- .... .--- .- .... / -.- .-.. . ... .... / - -.- .. -. / .-
.-.. -. .- .- ... -.. --.. --- .... / - ... .- . -.. --- -. .. -. . . /
- .-.. --- -.-. .... .. -. / -. --- -.. .- .. .... / .- .... .-.. ---
... --..
Hints tomorrow, and the answer on Wednesday! Good luck!
Wednesday, August 3, 2016
FCB04RD: The Landlord's Game: ANSWER
Did you pass "Go" and "Collect $200 Dollars" with this week's Mystery Monday puzzle or did you end up in Jail? The answer is after the break!
Tuesday, August 2, 2016
FCB04RD: The Landlord's Game HINTS
Roll the dice with this week's Mystery Monday puzzle and come up snake eyes? Here are some hints!
I will give you five hints, each getting progressively more revealing, but they will be encoded in ROT13, just like the hints on geocaching pages. You can copy and paste the hints here to decode them. HINT 5 will be nuclear level, so only look at it as a last resort!
HINT 1: N ynetr cneg bs gur qrfpevcgvba vf dhbgrq.
HINT 2: Jung qbrf gur anzr bs gur pnpur zrna?
HINT 3: Obgu gur dhbgr, naq gur gvgyr uvag gbjneqf gur bevtvany irefvba bs n cbchyne tnzr.
HINT 4: Vf gurer nalguvat va gung tnzr gung urycf?
HINT 5: Gur pbybef ner onfrq ba qrabzvangvbaf bs Zbabcbyl zbarl. Rnpu cvyr vf n cbegvba bs gur pbbeqf.
Answers tomorrow!
I will give you five hints, each getting progressively more revealing, but they will be encoded in ROT13, just like the hints on geocaching pages. You can copy and paste the hints here to decode them. HINT 5 will be nuclear level, so only look at it as a last resort!
HINT 1: N ynetr cneg bs gur qrfpevcgvba vf dhbgrq.
HINT 2: Jung qbrf gur anzr bs gur pnpur zrna?
HINT 3: Obgu gur dhbgr, naq gur gvgyr uvag gbjneqf gur bevtvany irefvba bs n cbchyne tnzr.
HINT 4: Vf gurer nalguvat va gung tnzr gung urycf?
HINT 5: Gur pbybef ner onfrq ba qrabzvangvbaf bs Zbabcbyl zbarl. Rnpu cvyr vf n cbegvba bs gur pbbeqf.
Answers tomorrow!
Monday, August 1, 2016
FCB04RD: The Landlord's Game
I'm on the road, but that doesn't mean you guys can't solve a puzzle!
Here's a closer look at the image, just in case you need it!
I will give you one word of advice on this puzzle: Be careful of your sources.
Hints tomorrow, and the answer on Wednesday!
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
FCP15C5: Tidal Pool? HINTS
Does this week's Mystery Monday puzzle have you swimming in circles? Here are some hints!
I will give you five hints, each getting progressively more revealing, but they will be encoded in ROT13, just like the hints on geocaching pages. You can copy and paste the hints here to decode them. HINT 5 will be nuclear level, so only look at it as a last resort!
HINT 1: Gung dhrfgvba znex va gur gvgyr vf fhttrfgvir gung n uvag vf arneol.
HINT 2: Guvegrra svfu, guvegrra qvtvgf arrqrq.
HINT 3: Gur qvssrerag pbybef ner vzcbegnag.
HINT 4: Vf gurer n qvssrerag glcr bs cbby?
HINT 5: Gur pbybef bs svfu ner gur fnzr pbybef nf cbby onyyf. Cbby onyyf unir ahzoref ba gurz.
Answers tomorrow!
I will give you five hints, each getting progressively more revealing, but they will be encoded in ROT13, just like the hints on geocaching pages. You can copy and paste the hints here to decode them. HINT 5 will be nuclear level, so only look at it as a last resort!
HINT 1: Gung dhrfgvba znex va gur gvgyr vf fhttrfgvir gung n uvag vf arneol.
HINT 2: Guvegrra svfu, guvegrra qvtvgf arrqrq.
HINT 3: Gur qvssrerag pbybef ner vzcbegnag.
HINT 4: Vf gurer n qvssrerag glcr bs cbby?
HINT 5: Gur pbybef bs svfu ner gur fnzr pbybef nf cbby onyyf. Cbby onyyf unir ahzoref ba gurz.
Answers tomorrow!
Monday, July 25, 2016
FCP15C5: Tidal Pool?
It's Monday! You know what that means... It's time for a Mystery Monday Puzzle!
For more information on using puzzle stats see this post. You will be able to see the object in question on street view, but for the BEST view, when you go into streetview on Google Maps drop the little man into the orange "Photosphere" icon that is near the final coords. The photosphere is taken literally right next to the object.
And here is a closer look at the image, in case you need it.
And here is a closer look at the image, in case you need it.
As always, there will be hints tomorrow, and the final answer on Wednesday.
Hat tip to Dolores Davidson for suggesting the final location for this puzzle!
Saturday, July 23, 2016
Mission GC: Mission #1
Let's talk about that Mission GC puzzle!
As you hopefully know Groundspeak is going to issue us 3 coded "Missions" that will result in caching Souvenirs if we decode the mission properly and take the actions described. (More information here.) The first mission was released to Premium members yesterday, and will be released to everyone else next weekend, but I'm sure you've all seen it by now, right?
So let's break the puzzle down.
As you hopefully know Groundspeak is going to issue us 3 coded "Missions" that will result in caching Souvenirs if we decode the mission properly and take the actions described. (More information here.) The first mission was released to Premium members yesterday, and will be released to everyone else next weekend, but I'm sure you've all seen it by now, right?
So let's break the puzzle down.
We were given four license plates, and told that they contained an encoded message. What do we have to go go on? The four plates are from different states, Kentucky, Washington, British Columbia (in Canada) and Georgia based on the slogans, but that doesn't help much. The strange thing is the "A SIX IS G" slogan, which stands out because it doesn't match up to any state, and definitely not directly with Kentucky.
I'll admit that it tripped me up at first because I thought it meant that the 6 represented G, as it sometimes does in "l33tspeeak." Eventually I figured out that that was not what they meant though.
Notice that each plate has three letters followed by three numbers. If you read "A SIX IS G" a little differently it could be "A6 is G," linking the first letter and the first number in the two groups.
Basically what you have is a variation on a Caesar Cipher, or a Rotation Cipher. Most geocachers are familiar with Rot-13 which is how hints are encoded on cache pages, this puzzle uses other rotations.
Look at the hint again, "A SIX IS G," or said another way, "An A rotated 6 times, is G." Counting 6 letters up from A you'd find the letter G.
Next is C2, two letters up from C (C, D, E) is E. So far we have GE. Then N1 (N, O) gives us O, so the first plate says "GEO." Seems like a great place to start for any geocaching puzzle.
Once you know the steps, it's easy, right? The only one that is slightly tricky is on the yellow plate, W6. Six steps after W... W, X, Y, Z... oops. You run out of letters! Just loop around the alphabet again: W, X, Y, Z, A, B, C.
Can you solve the rest on your own? Once you have the answer visit this website and enter the password (no spaces) into the box to get your "mission."
Friday, July 22, 2016
Resource: Rot-N Encryption
For today's Resource Friday I'd like to present a resource that you might find helpful not only for general geocaching, but for today's Mission GC Puzzle (obliquely anyway).
Everyone who geocaches is familiar Rot-13, a Caesar Cipher rotated 13 spaces, but there are 24 other variations on Caesar Rotation, Rot-1 rotates just one space so that A becomes B, B becomes C etc., Rot-2 rotates two spaces A to C, B to D, etc.
This website can solve all of the Rotation variations, and it can even make a guess at which to use if you don't know!
Wednesday, July 20, 2016
FCN31LG: Endless Puzzles ANSWER
Was this week's Mystery Monday puzzle endless joy, or endless misery? The answer is after the break!
Tuesday, July 19, 2016
FCN31LG: Endless Puzzles HINTS
If this week's Mystery Monday puzzle has left yu with endless questions, but no answers... here are some hints!
I will give you five hints, each getting progressively more revealing, but they will be encoded in ROT13, just like the hints on geocaching pages. You can copy and paste the hints here to decode them. HINT 5 will be nuclear level, so only look at it as a last resort!
HINT 1: N ercrngrq jbeq vf gur xrl gb gur chmmyr.
HINT 2: Gra qvtvgf arrqrq, gra ebjf bs jbeqf, pbairavrag!
HINT 3: "Raqyrff" pbhyq nyfb or rkcerffrq nf "jvgubhg raq."
HINT 4: Pbagvahvat gur pbaprcg sebz gur cerivbhf pyhr, juvpu jbeq va gur ebj qbrf abg pbagnva gur yrggref RAQ?
HINT 5: Vf vg gur svefg jbeq? Gur frpbaq? Cbfvgvba va gur ebj tvirf lbh gur ahzore lbh arrq.
Answers tomorrow! Good luck!
I will give you five hints, each getting progressively more revealing, but they will be encoded in ROT13, just like the hints on geocaching pages. You can copy and paste the hints here to decode them. HINT 5 will be nuclear level, so only look at it as a last resort!
HINT 1: N ercrngrq jbeq vf gur xrl gb gur chmmyr.
HINT 2: Gra qvtvgf arrqrq, gra ebjf bs jbeqf, pbairavrag!
HINT 3: "Raqyrff" pbhyq nyfb or rkcerffrq nf "jvgubhg raq."
HINT 4: Pbagvahvat gur pbaprcg sebz gur cerivbhf pyhr, juvpu jbeq va gur ebj qbrf abg pbagnva gur yrggref RAQ?
HINT 5: Vf vg gur svefg jbeq? Gur frpbaq? Cbfvgvba va gur ebj tvirf lbh gur ahzore lbh arrq.
Answers tomorrow! Good luck!
Monday, July 18, 2016
FCN31LG: Endless Puzzles
As we all know the variation of puzzles out there is just endless... which is exactly the theme of this week's Mystery Monday!
This week's puzzle was written by Jennifer Kidder of the Geocaching Puzzle Of The Day Blog.
For more information on using puzzle stats see this post. And here is a closer look at those words, in case you need it.
Answers will be published on Wednesday, and check back tomorrow for hints if you need them!
Happy puzzling!!
This week's puzzle was written by Jennifer Kidder of the Geocaching Puzzle Of The Day Blog.
Answers will be published on Wednesday, and check back tomorrow for hints if you need them!
Happy puzzling!!
Friday, July 15, 2016
Resource: Quinaplus Cruciverbal Tools
Today's Puzzle Resource is primarily concerned with variations on
crossword puzzles, but it includes solvers and helpful word lists for a
lot of puzzles that can be embedded within a standard crosswords, such
as anagrams, and a Playfair Cipher breaker: The Quinaplus Cruciverbal Tools.
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
FCBR3RR: My Oh My What a Wonderful Day ANSWER
Whistling a happy tune over this week's Mystery Monday puzzle? Or did you hit a sour note? The answer is after the break!
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
FCBR3RR: My Oh My What A Wonderful Day HINTS
Does this week's Mystery Monday puzzle make you feel like there's plenty of sunshine headed your way? If not... here are some hints!
I will give you five hints, each getting progressively more revealing, but they will be encoded in ROT13, just like the hints on geocaching pages. You can copy and paste the hints here to decode them. HINT 5 will be nuclear level, so only look at it as a last resort!
HINT 1: Gur gvgyr naq vavgvny jnlcbvag ner uvagf.
HINT 2: Gur gvgyr vf cneg bs n fbat, gur cerivbhf ylevp vf gur uvag.
HINT 3: Gur chmmyr vf n zbqvsvrq obbx pvcure.
HINT 4: Gur svefg frg bs ahzoref ercerfragf na B, gur frpbaq vf na A.
HINT 5: Gur svir qvtvg fgevat vf n mvc pbqr. Gur fvatyr qvtvg ercerfragf n yrggre va gur anzr bs gur gbja. 1 jbhyq or gur svefg yrggre va gur gbja, 2 jbhyq or gur frpbaq yrggre, rgp.
Don't forget that this week's final target is low to the ground, so it might take a little maneuvering to see properly.
Answers tomorrow!
I will give you five hints, each getting progressively more revealing, but they will be encoded in ROT13, just like the hints on geocaching pages. You can copy and paste the hints here to decode them. HINT 5 will be nuclear level, so only look at it as a last resort!
HINT 1: Gur gvgyr naq vavgvny jnlcbvag ner uvagf.
HINT 2: Gur gvgyr vf cneg bs n fbat, gur cerivbhf ylevp vf gur uvag.
HINT 3: Gur chmmyr vf n zbqvsvrq obbx pvcure.
HINT 4: Gur svefg frg bs ahzoref ercerfragf na B, gur frpbaq vf na A.
HINT 5: Gur svir qvtvg fgevat vf n mvc pbqr. Gur fvatyr qvtvg ercerfragf n yrggre va gur anzr bs gur gbja. 1 jbhyq or gur svefg yrggre va gur gbja, 2 jbhyq or gur frpbaq yrggre, rgp.
Don't forget that this week's final target is low to the ground, so it might take a little maneuvering to see properly.
Answers tomorrow!
Monday, July 11, 2016
FCBR3RR: My Oh My What A Wonderful Day
Monday is here, ready to solve a puzzle?
For more information on using puzzle stats see this post.
PLEASE NOTE: The final might be a bit difficult to see, depending on the angle you take. It is low to the ground.
As always, hints will be posted tomorrow, and answers on Wednesday.
Wednesday, July 6, 2016
FCF0RT4: Elements of a Good Holiday ANSWER
Did you celebrate your sucess this week's Mystery Monday puzzle? Or was it a dud? The answer is after the break!
Tuesday, July 5, 2016
FCF0RT4: Elements of a Good Holiday HINTS
While you are recovering from eating too many hot dogs, and having too much beer in the summer sun, did you need a hint on this week's Mystery Monday puzzle ?
I will give you five hints, each getting progressively more revealing, but they will be encoded in ROT13, just like the hints on geocaching pages. You can copy and paste the hints here to decode them. HINT 5 will be nuclear level, so only look at it as a last resort!
HINT 1: Gur pbybe bs gur sverjbexf vf vzcbegnag.
HINT 2: Gurer vf uvag va gur gvgyr.
HINT 3: Rire jbaqre jul sverjbexf ner gur pbybe gurl ner?
HINT 4: Jung pna lbh qvfpbire nobhg gur ryrzragf gung znxr sverjbexf?
HINT 5: Gur ngbzvp ahzore sbe gur cevznel ryrzrag va rnpu pbybe bs sverjbex vf gur xrl gb gur chmmyr.
Answers tomorrow!
I will give you five hints, each getting progressively more revealing, but they will be encoded in ROT13, just like the hints on geocaching pages. You can copy and paste the hints here to decode them. HINT 5 will be nuclear level, so only look at it as a last resort!
HINT 1: Gur pbybe bs gur sverjbexf vf vzcbegnag.
HINT 2: Gurer vf uvag va gur gvgyr.
HINT 3: Rire jbaqre jul sverjbexf ner gur pbybe gurl ner?
HINT 4: Jung pna lbh qvfpbire nobhg gur ryrzragf gung znxr sverjbexf?
HINT 5: Gur ngbzvp ahzore sbe gur cevznel ryrzrag va rnpu pbybe bs sverjbex vf gur xrl gb gur chmmyr.
Answers tomorrow!
Monday, July 4, 2016
FCF0RT4: Elements of a Good Holiday
America is celebrating it's birthday today, and I know for MY birthday I always enjoy a good puzzle!
For more information on using puzzle stats see this post.
As always, hints will be posted tomorrow, and answers on Wednesday.
Happy Puzzling, and Happy Fourth of July!
Edited: An earlier version of this puzzle had "L+D", that was an error.
For more information on using puzzle stats see this post.
As always, hints will be posted tomorrow, and answers on Wednesday.
Happy Puzzling, and Happy Fourth of July!
Edited: An earlier version of this puzzle had "L+D", that was an error.