- ASCII to Hex Simultaneously shows ASCII converted to several other languages.
- All Music One stop resource for information on albums and recorded music.
- Basic Cryptanalysis Teaching manual from the US Army on Cryptanalysis.
- Big Primes List of prime numbers.
- Bions Gadgets Cipher tools
- Calculator City Large group of specialty calculators.
- Convert Me Conversion tool to change miles to other units, both ancient and modern.
- Convert XY Converts number bases from binary to Base 64.
- Cryptii Simultaneous translation of text from one form to twenty others including hexadecimal, Roman numerals, Navajo code speak, MD5 and others.
- Dial ABC Phone tools, numbers to text, sounds of touchtones and other tools.
- Database Sports Giant sports database that includes basic info and stats for players, teams and leagues.
- EZ Gif Splits gifs into individual frames.
- Find Lat and Long Converts between coordinate formats.
- Flag Identifier Helps ID flags from all over the world.
- Flash Earth Mapping tool
- Freemap Tools Tons of tools for maps, distance measuring, antipode calculators, radius maps, and more.
- Geocaching Toolbox General ciphers, and lots of other resources specific to cachers.
- Hidden 3-D Reveals stereogram photos.
- Irrational Numbers Search Engine Search with pi and other irrational numbers.
- Kenny Translator Translates "Kenny Speak" from Southpark.
- My Geocaching Profile Shows progress on various types of challenge caches, as well as providing some cipher tools.
- Mechanical Puzzle Solver Gives solve methods for physical puzzles.
- More Words Search engine for partial words and anagrams for use in crosswords and Scrabble like games.
- NekNek A Ken Ken solver.
- Number Empire Resource for researching properties of numbers.
- Numbers in Other Languages Exactly what it sounds like.
- Omniglot Information on hundreds of alphabets both real and fictional.
- Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences Lists of known number sequences.
- Online Image Processing Photoshop like tools to flip or alter images.
- Pi Search Search with pi.
- Printable Paper Resource for printable graph paper, and other paper layouts.
- Red Luth Riddle Tools Lots of informational sources for puzzles and riddles.
- Remorse Tool for decoding Morse when you don't have the letter breaks.
- ROT-47 A tool for ROT-47, using the complete ASCII character set.
- ROT-All Tool Shows all variations of the Caesar Cipher at once.
- Sudoku Wiki Solving hints and instructions for sudoku and sudoku variants.
- Transliteration Converts text from one phonetic alphabet to another.
- Unit Conversion Conversion between numerical bases, all on one page.
- Vigenere Cipher Cracker Breaks Vigenere Ciphers without the password.
- Web Elements Information on elements of the periodic table.
- World Airport Codes Codes and information about airports worldwide.
Great collection of tools, thank you. :)