Monday, March 14, 2016

FCP4DR3 The Feast of Saint Geo

The day you've prayed for has finally arrived: Mystery Monday!

The checksum for this puzzle is 69. (Remember, the checksum is the result of adding all the individual digits of the coords.)

At the end you should discover a thematically appropriate item. This one is best viewed on Satellite View.  

Please don't spoil the answer in the comments! Hints published tomorrow, and the answer on Wednesday. 

Happy Puzzling, and may Geo bless your geocaching. 


  1. I came up with coords but the checksum was off by 7 (62). However, the sat map view looked to be appropriate, so calling this one a win.

  2. Funnily enough, my checksum was off too but it was a pretty borderline result. I still saw what I was meant to see though, so I'm also calling it a win.

    1. And now I know why my checksum was out ... just a case of different resources sometimes producing different results.

  3. Clever. Needless to say, I figured out what to do pretty quickly - my upbringing had a lot to do with my quick solve.

  4. Got the right coords, looks like the right location! thanks to good ol' catholic school education!

  5. Is there a better map to use to search final locations? I use google earth but the street view doesn't always work well...

    1. You'll want sat view on this one. I always tell you in the puzzle, right after the checksum, which is better, Sat or Street.

    2. Just realized you meant in general. The street view within Google Earth is pretty janky if you ask me. I much prefer the web version.


REMEMBER: No spoilers!